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Feature/comp 277 simplify dataconversion

Remco Tukker requested to merge feature/COMP-277_simplify_dataconversion into develop

In the old situation dataconversion.tsx had a createDataLookup function for each page. In the new situation this code is shared between the pages as much as possible. For now that means there are 3 createDataLookup functions:

  • 1 for the standard table pages and the graph pages
  • 1 for standard table pages that can get multiple entries per year/nren from the backend (ecprojects and suborganizations; maybe this should be changed to bring it in line with for example ConnectedInstitutionUrls, but then the datamodel should probably be changed too so I didnt want to do that anymore)
  • 1 for the services and charging structure pages as these require a slightly different datalookup structure to make it easy to render the pages. This also includes some fixes for (very small) bugs related to the ordering and layout of the years in these pages.

Merge request reports