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Feature/refactor survey frontend

Remco Tukker requested to merge feature/refactor_survey_frontend into develop

This change does a couple of things:

  • The navigation buttons are made external, so instead of using the built-in navigation buttons, we render the buttons ourselves. This turns out quite a bit cleaner than the addNavigationItem calls that we used to do, and it also easily allows for rendering the buttons both above and below the questions.
  • The logic was all contained in the SurveyComponent; now it is split between the SurveyContainer (loading/saving the survey), SurveyNavigation (navigation buttons), ProgressBar, and what remains in the SurveyComponent (dealing with the verification status, question styling, etc). Im quite happy how it turned out.
  • The progressbar now updates on every value changed instead of page change, but it seems that it will need some more fixes still. Also clicking on the progressbars opens that page now.

TODO is that the new navigation buttons arent in the right position yet (and probably the progress bars also need to change position, and maybe the title too..)

Merge request reports