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  • Sergios Aftsidis's avatar
    Fix REST API issues · 4df3eb2d
    Sergios Aftsidis authored
    * Fix errors not allowing `PUT` method from the API
    * Validate `status`, to allow for status changes when using
    PUT (allow changing a `Route`  to `INACTIVE`, re-submitting
    `Route`s with `ERROR` state & more)
    * Move decision for whether to `commit_*` a `Route` from
    `post_save` to `update` since we need to know both the current
    `status` of the `Route` and the desired (new) to pick which
    `commit` we want
    * We need to expose `id`s in all REST API models since those are
    needed when creating relationships between those models
    * Register `MatchDscp` model (`Route` uses it)
    * Add REST API documentation
    * When creating / editing / deleting a `Route` from the API an
    asynchronous task is issued which uploads the required configuration
    on the flowspec device. Since this is asynchronous, the object
    must have a status of `PENDING` until this operation is completed.
    Fix REST API issues
    Sergios Aftsidis authored
    * Fix errors not allowing `PUT` method from the API
    * Validate `status`, to allow for status changes when using
    PUT (allow changing a `Route`  to `INACTIVE`, re-submitting
    `Route`s with `ERROR` state & more)
    * Move decision for whether to `commit_*` a `Route` from
    `post_save` to `update` since we need to know both the current
    `status` of the `Route` and the desired (new) to pick which
    `commit` we want
    * We need to expose `id`s in all REST API models since those are
    needed when creating relationships between those models
    * Register `MatchDscp` model (`Route` uses it)
    * Add REST API documentation
    * When creating / editing / deleting a `Route` from the API an
    asynchronous task is issued which uploads the required configuration
    on the flowspec device. Since this is asynchronous, the object
    must have a status of `PENDING` until this operation is completed.